“Woyzeck” by Zana Hoxha: A Tragedy of Alienation and Social…
February 22, 2025
14 – 16.02.2020, Prishtina
The project “ArtEd – Growing through arts in education” gathered 20 students, girls and boys, from 20 champion schools of Kosovo, to gain knowledge about theater on training “Theatrical Techniques in Peer Education”, within the dates 14,15 and 16 February, 2020.
Students came from 20 champion schools of Kosovo municipalities: Pristina, Podujeva, Obiliq, Gjilan, Gjakova, Shtime and Prizren. They absorbed every word of the trainers in the three-day training with inexhaustible and positive energy, expressing great interest and participating in every activity.
Inspired by each other as well, they learned about theater and acting techniques, creations of small theatrical scenes, casting, facilitation of the performance. They did physical exercises and played games in groups, too. The training included students of elementary school from the classes 6,7,8 and 9, while training mentors Qendresa Kajtazi and Edlir Gashi who also had the chance to share their theatrical experience. The aim of the project is establishing theater clubs in the champion schools with trained students helping to develop them.
The project “ArtEd – Growing through Arts in Education” is supported by German Development Cooperation, implemented by GIZ in cooperation with Art and Community Center – Artpolis.
“Theater Clubs in 20 Champion Schools are established with the support of German Development Cooperation (GIZ) through the NGO Artpolis”.