“Woyzeck” by Zana Hoxha: A Tragedy of Alienation and Social…
February 22, 2025
Zhaneta is a professional actress born and raised in Prishtina. Her love for art started in her early high school years where with a group of students and the support of the teachers, they made the play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” which was selected in a festival in San Remo, Italy.
Besides graduating in acting, she also finished Prenk Jakova music school for canto and piano. She was part of various plays and music concerts.
Zhaneta functions with the following principles: active listener and constructive in discussions about different cases/topics; pragmatic and flexible; respectfully works in groups; responsible with tasks and time; creative, with humor and compassion; finds solutions for the obstacles with empathy and thorough attentiveness.
She recently joined the group of professional actors of Artpolis Centre, where she contributes to the organisations politics by being professionally and emotionally involved.