“O Lord, O Lord, Lady of the House” in Tuz:…
November 27, 2024
16.09.2019 / 17.09.2019 / 19.09.2019 / 23.09.2019 / 24. 09.2019
Following the second part of the workshop “Creative Thinking for Empowerment of victims of trafficking and potential victims of trafficking” 5 more sessions (8 sessions in total) were held to successfully complete this workshop. The activity was developed with potential victims of trafficking under the mentorship of the artist Njomëza Luci.
The purpose of this activity was to engage women in the aforementioned category by working and creating artistic products, to develop their creativity and make them economically independent so that after the completion this course they would have the opportunity to work on their own. These workshops took place in the premises of the Center for Mental Health and under the supervision of artist Njomeza Luci. Thе uniqueness of this workshop was that with participants will work with recycled materials or those unused, under the help and supervision of Njomëza Luci.
The last five workshops were held on dates: 16.09.2019, 17.09.2019, 19.09.2019, 23.09.2019 and 24. 09.2019. Socializing, sharing experiences, talks about the importance of being independent, developing creative thinking, practical work with different materials, learning creative techniques, drawings and sketches were some of the activities that took place. Finally reaping excellent results of women’s work, like: necklaces, bracelets and earrings. Those were beautiful and of unique style that can be used on a daily basis or in special occasions. This creation offered much pleasure and developed their potential but also gave them hope for a useful life.
Workshops: “Creative Thinking for Empowerment of victims of
trafficking and potential victims of trafficking” is realized within the
project “Building
Resilience and social inclusion of victims of trafficking and presumed victims
of trafficking”.
In total there will be 8 workshops to be held in the premises of the Artpolis
The project “Socio-Economic and Psychosocial Empowerment of Victims of Trafficking and Possible Victims of Trafficking” is funded by the EU’s “Moving Forward: Promoting Greater Efficiency and Effectiveness in the Fight against Trafficking Human Beings” project.