“Woyzeck” by Zana Hoxha: A Tragedy of Alienation and Social…
February 22, 2025
With the motto “Young Woman build peace” had started this edition of Feminist Spring School gathered more than 20 girls from Kosovo and Serbia.
For four days in a row, 1-4 April, these girls were trained and took the lectures on feminism and more by Anita Panteliq, Marijana Toma, Marijana Stojçiq, and Ajna Jushiq.
At the beginning of each session, a safe space was created for the participants by introducing themselves in creative forms and interacting by asking questions and exchanging different experiences and ideas. The translation was also provided for them in both languages – Albanian and Serbian so that they could each express themselves in their language and hear and learn the other one.
“History of women’s position and organizing in the second half of the 20th century in the former Yugoslavia”; “Feminist Approach to Justice: UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and Women’s Court”; “Mechanisms of Transitional Justice”; “Forgotten Children of War”, were the main topics that were lectured and discussed during this edition of Feminist Spring School.
That the Western Balkans, once a hotbed of wars, have the potential to become a place of peace is shown by the statement of one of the participants of the Feminist Spring School Majlinda Behrami: “If politicians, who in most cases are men, would be inclined to work to achieve peace with the same will as we are doing in this meeting, the Western Balkans would truly be a place of dreams to live.”
Because of the COVID-19, the first part of the School took part online and was organized by partners “Alternative Girls’ Centre” from Krushevac and “Artpolis – Art and Community Center” from Prishtina.
The project “Young Women Build Peace in Kosovo and Serbia” is implemented in cooperation with Artpolis-Art and Community Center and the “Alternativni centar za devojke” while supported by the European Union in Kosovo and foundation Kvinna till Kvinna.
Feministička prolećna škola 2021. – Prvi deo
Uz moto „ Mlade žene grade mir “, ovo izdanje Feminističke prolećne škole okupilo je više od 20 devojke sa Kosova i iz Srbije.
Četiri dana zaredom, od 1. do 4. aprila, ove devojke su slušale predavanja o feminizmu i vise od toga od Anite Pantelić, Marijane Toma, Marijane Stojčić i Ajne Jushić.
Na početku svake sesije stvoren je siguran prostor za učesnice predstavljanjem u kreativnim oblicima i interakcijom postavljanjem pitanja i razmenom različitih iskustava i ideja. Prevod im je takođe obezbeđen na oba jezika – albanski i srpski, tako da su se mogli svaka izraziti na svom jeziku, a drugi čuti i naučiti.
„Istorija položaja i organizovanja žena u drugoj polovini 20. veka u bivšoj Jugoslaviji“; „Feministički pristup pravdi: Rezolucija Saveta bezbednosti UN 1325 i Ženski sud“, „Mehanizmi tranzicione pravde“ i „Zaboravljena deca rata“, bile su glavne teme o kojima se predavalo i razgovaralo tokom ovog izdanja Feminističke prolećne škole.
Da Zapadni Balkan, nekada žarište ratova, ima potencijal da postane mesto mira, pokazuje izjava jedne od učesnica Feminističke prolećne škole Majlinde Behrami: „Kada bi političari, koji su u većini slučajeva muškarci, biti sklon da rade na postizanju mira istom voljom kao što to radimo na ovom sastanku, zapadni Balkan bi zaista bio mesto snova za život “.
Zbog COVID-19, prvi deo škole se održalo online a organizovali su ga partneri „Alternativni centar za devojke“ iz Kruševca i „Artpolis – Centar za umetnost Ii zajednicu “ iz Prištine.
Projekat „Mlade žene grade mir na Kosovu i u Srbiji“ realizuje se u saradnji sa Artpolis-Art-om i Centrom zajednice i „Alternativnim centrom za devojke“, uz podršku Evropske unije na Kosovu i fondacije Kvinna till Kvinna.