“Woyzeck” by Zana Hoxha: A Tragedy of Alienation and Social…
February 22, 2025
06.04 – 09.04.2023
Under the motto “Young women build peace”, the first part of the Feminist Spring School 2023 took place, gathering 18 girls from Kosovo and Serbia from April 6-9, 2023, in Vërnjaçka Banjë/Serbia.
The lecturers of this edition were well-known activists and feminists from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, with different professional backgrounds, who from their knowledge, many years of experience and their stories of activism managed to penetrate the participants, get their attention and involve them in discussions. Within four days, in a friendly and safe environment, the young women of the Feminist Spring School 2023 discovered a lot about feminism, peace building, women’s activism in the early years, the consequences of war and the treatment of survivors, solidarity but also for art in activism, as a practical and empowering form of peace building.
The topics covered in the eighth edition of FSS were: “Activism and Art”, “Women las others – the politics of representation in the media narrative”, “Identity politics and the politics of difference”, “Forgotten children of war”, “Peace rests in empowerment and trust” – a conversation about women’s solidarity during the wars in the former Yugoslavia, “Affirmation of working groups and presentation of the Alumni Network”.
The shared time served for the inspiring speeches of the speakers to inspire the FSS 2023 participants to work in groups and take joint initiatives with a focus on peace building. Through the creative activities during the workshops, the young women were further empowered through games, entertainment, walks and social gatherings that helped to network them to further collaborate until the second part of the Feminist Spring School, where they will meet again, in Kosovo.
The project “Young Women Build Peace” is implemented in cooperation between Artpolis – Center for Art and Community and the Alternative Girls’ Center (AGC), while it is supported by the Kvinna till Kvinna foundation and the Global Fund for Women.
Feministička prolećna škola 2023 – prvi deo
Pod motom „Mlade žene grade mir“ održan je prvi deo Feminističke prolećne škole 2023, koja je okupila 18 devojaka sa Kosova i iz Srbije od 6. do 9. aprila 2023. godine u Vernjačkoj Banji/Srbija.
Predavačice ovog izdanja bile su poznate aktivistkinje i feministkinje iz Srbije i Bosne i Hercegovine, različitog profesionalnog iskustva, koje su svojim znanjem, dugogodišnjim iskustvom i svojim pričama o aktivizmu uspele prodreti među učesnice, privući njihovu pažnju i uključiti u diskusijama. Za četiri dana, u prijateljskom i bezbednom okruženju, mlade žene Feminističke prolećne škole 2023 otkrile su mnogo o feminizmu, izgradnji mira, ženskom aktivizmu u ranim godinama, posledicama rata i tretmanu preživelih, solidarnosti, ali i za umetnost u aktivizmu, kao praktičan i osnažujući oblik izgradnje mira.
Teme osmog izdanja FSS bile su: „Aktivizam i umetnost“, „Žene kao druge – politika predstavljanja u medijskom narativu“, „Politika identiteta i politika razlika“, „Zaboravljena deca rata“, „ Mir leži u osnaživanju i poverenju“ – razgovor o ženskoj solidarnosti tokom ratova u bivšoj Jugoslaviji, „Afirmacija radnih grupa i predstavljanje Alumni mreže“.
Zajedničko vreme poslužilo je inspirativnim govorima predavačice da inspirišu učesnike FSS 2023 da rade u grupama i preduzmu zajedničke inicijative sa fokusom na izgradnju mira. Kroz kreativne aktivnosti tokom radionica, mlade žene su dodatno osnažene kroz igre, zabavu, šetnje i druženja koja su im pomogla da se umreže za dalju saradnju do drugog dela Feminističke prolećne škole, gde će se ponovo sresti, na Kosovu.
Projekat „Mlade žene grade mir“ realizuje se u saradnji Artpolis – Centra za umetnost i zajednicu i Alternativnog centra za devojke (AGC), a podržavaju ga Kvinna till Kvinna fondacija i Globalni fond za žene.