“Woyzeck” by Zana Hoxha: A Tragedy of Alienation and Social…
February 22, 2025
March 3, 2021
26.02 – 01.03.2021
In beautiful Prizren, girls and boys from communities living in Kosovo gathered to participate in the four-day training “Theater-based education”. The beautiful and sunny weather pushed the training organizers to modify the exercises and flood the stage of Prizren Castle. Then, trainers Zana Hoxha and Edlir Gashi continued with the agenda, developing exercises and improvisations of theatre scenes, on socially discussed topics with a focus on multiethnic coexistence.
The special feature of this training was the masked workshop which was a relaxation but at the same time a stimulus for the development of creativity. Masks became part of the performances. The novelty of the training was the game with body movements, led by choreographer Robert Nuha, which also helped the performance of the participants.
“What distinguishes this workshop and group from the others is that I have not seen any kind of prejudice here, something I have encountered in other workshops. And what was characteristic, we all tried to understand each other, since we do not speak the same language, and this is my strongest and most positive impression of this training “- says the participant of the training from North Mitrovica, Djurdjica Kaziq.
The 4-day training “Theater Based Education” was held in Prizren, organized by members of the Kosovo Coalition for Reconciliation, Artpolis and NGO Aktiv.
The activities were carried out in accordance with the recommendations for the prevention and suppression of the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
Trening programa za Forum Teatar okupio je mlade iz kosovskih zajednica
26.02 – 01.03.2021
U prelepom Prizrenu, devojke i dečaci iz zajednica koje žive na Kosovu okupili su se da učestvuju u četvorodnevnom treningu „Pozorišno obrazovanje“. Lepo i sunčano vreme nateralo je organizatore treninga da modifikuju vežbe i poplave scenu tvrđave Prizrena. Potom su treneri Zana Hoxha i Edlir Gashi nastavili sa dnevnim redom, razvijajući vežbe i improvizacije pozorišnih scena, o socijalnim temama o kojima se raspravljalo sa fokusom na multietničku koegzistenciju.
Posebnost ovog treninga bila je radionica maski koja je bila opuštanje, ali istovremeno podsticaj za razvoj kreativnosti. Maske su postale deo nastupa. Novina na treningu bila je igra pokretima tela koju je vodio koreograf Robert Nuha, a koja je takođe pomogla u nastupu učesnika.
„Ono što ovu radionicu i grupu razlikuje od ostalih jeste to što ovde nisam videla nikakvu vrstu predrasuda, nešto sa čime sam se susretala u drugim radionicama. I ono što je bilo karakteristično, svi smo se trudili da se razumemo, pošto ne govorimo isti jezik, i ovo je moj najjači i najpozitivniji utisak sa ovog treninga “- kaže učesnica treninga iz Severne Mitrovice Đurđica Kazić.
Četvorodnevni trening „Pozorišno obrazovanje“ održan je u Prizrenu, u organizaciji članova Kosovske koalicije za pomirenje, Artpolis i NVO Aktiv.
Sve aktivnosti sprovedene su u skladu sa preporukama za prevenciju i suzbijanje širenja virusa kovid-19.