“O Lord, O Lord, Lady of the House” in Tuz:…
November 27, 2024
18.10.2019 – 20.10.2019
Youngsters from Mitrovica, Fushë Kosovo, Novoberdo and Kamenica, from different communities living in Kosovo, like: Albanians, Serbs, Bosnians, Turks and Roma were part on the three-day training “Theater Based Education with Peers – Art beyond ethnicities” held in Venture Up, Prishtina, during October 18-20, 2019,
The positive energy, games, exercises, theater and acting knowledge, creating small theatrical scenes, and lot of other experiences were exchanged under the mentorship of the trainers Qendresa Kajtazi and Daniela Markaj.
“It was a pleasure and an honor to be a part of this three-day training. I met new people and gained new knowledge of theater and acting. This is one unforgettable experience.” – Amina Juković, Mitrovica.
“For the past three days of training and socializing with coaches and other colleagues I thought it was great, I did not hope to meet new friends in this way, although we are not of the same nationality, I was glad and beautiful that we became friends, and I hope to socialize again. Thank you all very much, see you again, for you I’m always there.” – Nemanja Mitić from Novoberda.
This type of training has proven to be the best form of education to different age groups because it conveys the message across to young people up to the general public. The participant from Kamenica, Rrezarta Dermaku, her knowledge gained in the training “Theater Based Education” will follow up in her work with children with special needs.
“Thank you very much for the pleasure you gave us during the three days of training. I have wonderful impression of this training; where I hope that such should be continued because it gives every individual the opportunity to disclose personal skills and ideas without fear. During this training I learned a lot of new things about theater and its elements, where I, as an assistant to children with special needs, helped me immensely because it would give my students the opportunity to create their own world through theater, they will reveal their abilities and feelings, they will feel free, they will fight for what they want. ” – Rrezarta Dermaku, Kamenica.
This training was supported by the US Embassy in Kosovo and implemented by the Art and Community Center –Artpolis.
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Vršnjačko pozorišno obrazovanje – Umetnost izvan etniciteta
Mladi is Mitrovice, Kosovo Polje, Novo Brdo i Kamenice, iz različitih zajednica koje žive na Kosovu, kao: albanci, srbi, bosanci, turci i romi učestvovali su u trodnevnoj obuci “Vršnjačko pozorišno obrazovanje – Umetnost izvan etniciteta”, održane u Venture Up, Priština, u periodu od 20 do 22. Oktobra 2019 godine.
Pozitivna energija, igre, vežbe, pozorišno i glumske znanje, kreiranje kratkih scena I mnogih drugih iskustava je razmenjeno po mentorstvom trenera Qendresa Kajtazi i Danielja Markaj.
“Bilo mi je zadovoljstvo i čast biti učesnik ovog trodnevnog treninga. Upoznala sam nove ljude i stekla sam novo znanje o teatru i glumi. Ovo je jedno nezaboravno iskustvo.” Amina Juković, Mitrovica.
“Za protekla tri dana treninga i druženja sa trenerima i ostalih kolega meni je bilo super, nisam sam nadao da na takav način upoznati nove drugove i drugarice iako nismo iste nacionalnosti meni je bilo drago i prelepo što smo se na takav način sprijateljili i nadam se družicemo se opet. – Hvala puno svima, vidimo se opet, za vas sam uvek tu.” Nemanja Mitić iz Novog Brda.
Ova vrsta treninga dokazano je da je najbolji način obrazovanja za različite godišnja doba jer prenosi poruku preko mladim ljudima široj javnosti. Učesnica iz Kamenice, Rrezarta Dermaku, svoje znanje stečeno na treningu “Vršnjačko pozorišno obrazovanje” pratiće u svom radu sa decom s posebnim potrebama.
“Hvala vam puno na zadovoljstvo koje ste nam pružili tokom tri dana treninga. Moji utisci su predobri za ovaj trening, jer svakom pojedincu pruža mogučnost da bez straha otkriva lične veštine i ideje. Tokom ove obuke naučila sam mnogo novih stvari o pozorištu i njegovim elementima, i kao pomočnica deci sa posebnim potrebama, neizmerno pomogao jer će to pružiti mojim učenicima da kroz pozorište stvaraju svoj svet, otkriće svoje sposobnosti I osećanja, osećaće se slobodno, boriće se za ono što žele”. – Rrezarta Dermaku, Kamenica.
Ovu obuku je podržala Aambasada SAD na Kosovu, a realizovao Centar za Umetnost i Komunitete – Artpolis.