Activities Workshops

Theater clubs compete online for the best designed poster

May 4, 2020

29.04.2020 – 04.05.2020

This event came as a result of online activities that Art and Community Center – Artpolis held with 88 pupils of champion schools in Pristina, namely pupils of theatrical clubs of these schools, during the period of isolation due to the Covid-19 virus.

In addition to the 6 video dramas posted on the Facebook page: Travelling Theater for Children and Youth, these 6 clubs underwent a presentation on the basics of the digital design platform – Canva. They were given the task of creating a poster with the theme: theater.

And to make online learning more attractive and interesting, these posters were posted on Facebook. The pupils were challenged with a competition where the 4 most liked posters by the audience of the FB page: Treavelling Theater for Children and Youth page, were awarded with one book each.

The project “ArtEd – Growing through Art in Education” is supported by German Development Cooperation, implemented by GIZ in cooperation with Art and Community Center – Artpolis.

“Theater Clubs in 20 Champion Schools are established with the support of German Development Cooperation (GIZ) through the NGO Artpolis”. 

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