“Woyzeck” by Zana Hoxha: A Tragedy of Alienation and Social…
February 22, 2025
Art and Community center – Artpolis within the global campaign “One Billion Rising” in protection of women rights and in support of charity campaign “A Valentine’s Day for All” organized theater performance “Bits and Pieces”, on February 14th, 2019, in Oda Theater.
“A Valentine’s Day for All” initiated by Blerta Avdili and Jeta Xharra aims to gather funds in support of the Center for Women’s and Children’s Protection in Prishtina.
In this flow Artpolis presented the performance “Bits and Pieces” based on true stories of women in Kosovo; a woman who was affected by domestic violence is actually the one performing together with professional actresses in stage. This strong woman, Bashkime Sylejmani, since 2015 was contacted by Artpolis through the same Center for Women’s and Children’s Protection in Prishtina to tell her story, to raise her voice for her well-being and her sons’, also in support of all women that have been through these experiences. Her story shuddered our body and at the same time gave us strength to never surrender, to continue life by embracing the benefits and challenges that life brings.
The gathered funds were dedicated to Center for Women’s and Children’s Protection in Prishtina, within the charity campaign “A Valentine’s Day for All”.
Director: Zana Hoxha Krasniqi
Playwriter: Blerta Zeqiraj
Performers: Melihate Qena, Anisa Ismajli, Donikë Ahmeti, Qendresa Kajtazi, Daniela Markaj, Qendresa Jashari and Bashkime Sulejmani.
The presentation of the performance is supported by UNFPA – Kosovo and the feminist peace organization CFD – Switzerland.