“Woyzeck” by Zana Hoxha: A Tragedy of Alienation and Social…
February 22, 2025
– In the end of Phase II, we have made an appointment between the youth from all those five municipalities and decision makers in national level. The meeting has taken place in 13th of November at European Union Information and Cultural Center office starting at 13:00 and finishing at 14:00. In the meeting were Imri Rrahmani, Minister of Ministry of Health, and Leonora Shala, Coordinator at Ministry of Youth, Cultural and Sports. We have also called Minister of Ministry of Education but they didn’t come. Flakron Rexhepaj has moderated the meeting while there have been 16 young people from Prishtina, Gjilan, Gjakove, Mitrovice dhe Ferizaj. Flakron has opened the meeting telling about the Youth Voice campaign while he told also that they have been taking activities in each municipality with local departments and the youth of those municipalities. Imri Rrahmani said that he is open to discuss about the issued related to health that the youth face in their life and Leonora Shala has said that she will take notes and all requests from youth will send to the minister. The debate has started with a question about does the education in Kosovo is increased? Leonora Shala has answered that the education in Kosovo is increased because the Ministry of Education in cooperation with Ministry of Youth, Cultural and Sports have built school buildings, also new system education curriculum has improved the education. Another question has come from youth about how much this curriculum has been implemented by teachers? Leonora Shala has continued that this curriculum is being implemented in some schools and not in all schools. It’s pilot project and this curriculum is not final so we are testing it to see the results and then to change things that have been affected students badly. Does new system education curriculum provides practical lessons? Leonora Shala said that of course it provides but first we are trying to bring laboratories and digital devices. How much the Ministry of Health is working in reproductive health education and how much is the awareness of youth for this education? Imri Rrahmani answered that society should take care more than ever for this case. Ministry of Health is supporting many projects and in cooperation with youth assembly are trying to bring to schools reproductive health education. The lack of using the green environment and the lack of information will affect the youth with different disease. Also the Ministry of Health is taking systematic controls to identify the illnesses that the youth can be affected the most and offering them help in preventing those illnesses. Also, Imri Rrahami has said that Kosovo is a good example for vaccinating children in preventing infections but we cannot say that we are happy with vaccinating children from RAE communities because most of them are not even registered in the state registry. Another question that came from youth was about if new system education curriculum will solve the problem of books in professional fields like in electricity, medicine, mechanics etc. Leonora Shala added that this is the fault of school management and there is a need to create relations between school and education local department about this case. Imri Rrahmani also has said that the reproductive health and sexual education should be learnt by students in high schools in Physical Education subject as the teachers who lecture this subject should be trained for reproductive health and sexual education before starting lecturing in the schools. He said that around 50 teachers have been trained but still they are not lecturing their knowledge gained in those training because in the new system education curriculum is not still specified that those teachers can lecture about this topic. The youth have told the minister that in Biology subject there are some sexual topics but those topics are skipped by the teacher with no reason. The youth also wanted from Education Ministry to monitory teachers if they are doing their job correctly and if they are respecting the syllabus. Another case that has been discussed in the meeting was about psychiatric department. Imri Rrahmani continued to say that there is a lack of equipments in that department and also a lack of professional staff. We also saw a lack of information of those decision makers about the reproductive health and sexual education but the good news is that the Minister of Education is trying to put the reproductive health and sexual education in high school curriculum.