“Woyzeck” by Zana Hoxha: A Tragedy of Alienation and Social…
February 22, 2025
cfd Empowers women. Opens up perspectives.
The feminist Peace Organisation / Falkenhöheweg 8 / P.O. Box 5761 / CH 3001 Bern / Switzerland Phone +41 31 300 50 60 / Fax +41 31 300 50 69 / info@cfd-ch.org / www.cfd-ch.org / PC 30-7924-5
Terms of references –
Project: NDAL/STOP – Jointly and creatively against Gender Based Violence (GBV) Organisation: Artpolis, Kosovo
Period: January 2017 – December 2019
Date: June – August 2020
Mandated by: Jacqueline Salamí, cfd Program Coordinator South-Eastern Europe, cfd, Falkenhöheweg 8, 3001 Bern, +41 31 300 50 60, www.cfd-ch.org
These Terms of References (ToR) were developed by cfd in cooperation with Artpolis (subsequently referred to as partner organization).
1. Background
1.1. Information on the mandating organisation: cfd
The Swiss NGO cfd (The Feminist Peace Organization, www.cfd-ch.org) is a peace and development organisation working towards gender equality, the empowerment of women and participation of women in conflict resolution and peace building efforts. Its regional focus is around the Mediterranean (South Eastern Europe, Maghreb and Middle East). cfd’s engagement in South Eastern Europe goes back to 1996 and remained ever since a key element in the international cooperation program of the organisation. cfd cooperates with local NGOs, mostly local women’s organisations, human right’s organisations, organisations engaged in inclusive economic development and other NGOs with already defined gender sensitive approaches or who are interested to further developing their inclusive intervention strategies. Cfd engages in the following sectors: prevention of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), income generation and social and political inclusion. At the moment, in Kosovo cfd is supporting projects in the fields of prevention of SGBV and income generation.
1.2. Information on the implementing partner organisation: Artpolis
Artpolis is a registered Non-Governmental Organization established in Prishtina, Kosovo in 2004. Through its mission it supports and protects women’s rights as part of universal human rights, by conducting activities such as trainings and capacity building for women and youth from different ethnicity and addressing social issues through theatre-based education,activism, project managing and leadership skills. Artpolis promotes diversity through culture, arts and multi-ethnic coexistence by using theatre as a tool for community empowerment. Artpolis is a community-based organization that offers all activities to community members free of charge.
1.3. Short description of the project to be evaluated
The project “NDALISTOP – Jointly and creatively against Gender Based Violence (GBV)” is being implemented from 2017 until 2020. The overall goal of the project is to contribute towards achieving gender justice and empowerment of women and youth in Kosovo by increasing anti-violence against women attitudes and promoting women’s rights.
Outcome 1: Strengthened capacities to tackle SGBV and increased awareness of SGBV among women, youth and institutions in Kosovo.
Output 1.1: Women survivors of violence reduce stress, heal and build self-confidence.
Output 1.2: Women, men and minority groups are empowered and become agents of change in addressing SGBV through creative actions and outreach activities.
Outcome 2: Sexual harassment is addressed through capacity building and establishing of formal mechanism within public universities.
Output 2.1: Students and professors are informed about the laws and policies on addressing sexual harassment and the impact of sexual harassment.
Output 2.2: Mechanism for addressing sexual harassment in the Public University of Prishtina is established.
The project to be evaluated has been supported by cfd since 2017. The project period to be evaluated is from 2017 to 2019.
2. Objectives and scope of the external evaluation
2.1 General objectives
This external evaluation aims in particular at:
1. Analyzing the current context related to SGBV and women’s rights (in terms of needs, risks and opportunities)
2. Evaluating the concrete results obtained during the project implementation period (2017 2019) at output and outcome level.
3. Evaluating the capacity of the partner organisation and its project partners in terms of
human, technical and financial resources for a professional implementation of the project, therein evaluating the contribution of cfd to the capacity development of the partner organisation.
4. Identifying and recommending actions to be taken in account in the future planning and implementation of the project. The evaluation will in particular make recommendations related to:
a. the focus of the desired overall change and the contribution of the project to achieve these desired changes
b. explore and recommend which interventions are most appropriate at which level(s) to achieve the desired change?
C. which organisational capacities should be strengthened in order to improve the implementation and the results of the project?
d. define all necessary adaptations for the future project design
2.2 Specific objectives
2.2.1 Analysis of the current context
Key questions:
2.2.2 Evaluation of the concrete results At output level (Efficiency):
Key Questions:
•Have the planned outputs been reached? If not, why?
•Were the financial resources and other inputs efficiently used to achieve results?
Was the project adequately resourced (staff wise) to achieve the outputs?
•Has the organisation managed to identify and recruit staff members with the competencies required by the project for its efficient implementation?
•Were services and capacities created and potentials used appropriately?
• Were services provided and results achieved within an appropriate time period?
At outcome level (Effectiveness):
Key Questions:
At Impact level (Relevance):
Key Questions:
At the level of Sustainability:
Key Questions:
2.2.3 Evaluation of the capacity of the implementing partner
Key Questions:
3. Conclusions and recommendations
Based on the findings, the evaluator will formulate the conclusions and make corresponding recommendations for the next phase concerning the key questions under each general objective mentioned above.
Preliminary findings (i.e. draft report) will be presented and discussed in a one-day feedback workshop to cfd and the team of the partner organisation prior to the final report preparation.
The evaluator will be responsible for the feedback workshop and shall incorporate the results and comments of the workshop into the final report.
4. Methodological aspects
A participatory approach will be used involving staff, direct project participants and external partners/stakeholders in the evaluation process (TOR, data collection, data analysis/presentation). The type and extent of participation will be defined in detail in the inception report.
4.1 Data collection
As to data collection, the following methods will be applied:
4.2 Data analysis
As to data analysis, it is crucial to give a particular importance to the presentation of draft findings to the project participants and external partners/stakeholders as planned in this TOR. This will provide an opportunity to involve them actively in the critical analysis of success and constraints and the formulation of conclusions and lessons learnt, which will serve as the basis for recommendations for improvements for the next phase of the project.
The detailed methodology will be designed and presented by the evaluator in the inception report. This evaluation research study employs both qualitative and quantitative approaches for data collection and analysis.
4.3. Dissemination of findings
The draft report will be submitted to cfd and the partner organisation. The preliminary findings will be presented in a workshop to cfd and the partner organisation. Feedback by project participants and external partners/stakeholders will be collected. Relevant feedback will be incorporated in the final report and presented to cfd and the partner organisation. The final report will be presented to project participants and external partners/stakeholders.
4.4 Target groups
The participants in this evaluation include:
5. Timeframe
Finalization of TOR by cfd and the partner organisation and publication | 12.05.20 |
Submission of offers to cfd | 24.05.20 |
Analysis of offers and selection of evaluator by cfd | 29.05.20 |
Submission of inception report by evaluator to cfd and partner organization | 09.06.20 |
Feedback on inception report by cfd and partner organisation | 19.06.20 |
Submission of draft report by evaluator to cfd and partner organisation | 24.07.20 |
Feedback workshop with cfd, partner organisation, project participants and external partners/stakeholders | Tbd |
Submission of final evaluation report to cfd and partner organisation | 21.08.20 |
6. Amount of working days
The total duration of the evaluation will be up to 28 days within the period of 1st of June – 31st of August 2020, according to the following plan:
Preparation of inception report (5 working days):
Meetings (8 working days):
• Briefing and meetings with project staff
• Meetings, interviews/surveys with project participants
• Meetings, interviews/surveys with external partners/stakeholders
• Visits and observations of ongoing activities
Analysis and elaboration of the draft report (10 days):
Elaboration of the final report (5 days):
• Incorporation of comments and additional findings into the draft report
Finalization of the report
• Eventually presentation of evaluation findings to project participants and external partners/stakeholders
7. Reporting
The evaluation report will be submitted in English and comprises the following:
8. Required qualification of the evaluator
9. How to apply
Please send your CV as well as your technical and financial offer in English to Jacqueline Salamí, cfd Programme Coordinator South-Eastern Europe, jacqueline.salami@cfd-ch.org
Bern, 12.05.2020