“Woyzeck” by Zana Hoxha: A Tragedy of Alienation and Social…
February 22, 2025
The Theater Club in Skenderaj, on July 1, 2021, presented the forum theater play and the exhibition “True Colors” at the Cultural Center “Hasan Prishtina”.
The young men and women of this city through this show, addressed sexual harassment in school institutions, raising a very active debate between the characters and the public which welcomed this show, especially the topic addressed in it.
The audience was diverse and so was the discussion and the approach to this problem. Numerous comments and questions caused a part of the public who were negative towards the addressed problem to reflect upon it.
The show “True Colors” was preceded by an exhibition of the talented girls, Liridona Hyseni and Alketa Abazi, who skillfully brought to the public various paintings and drawings.
The exhibition and the play ware realized under the mentorship of the artists of the resident troupe of the Artpolis Center: Qendresa Kajtazi, Donikë Ahmeti and Zhaneta Xhemajli.
The following stared in the play: Leonit Bahtiri, Elsa Kajtazi, Elisa Kajtazi, Donjeta Selimi, Flamur Kastrati, Arbenita Shatri, Bleart Sinani, Rinesa Kajtazi, Liridona Hyseni, Alketa Abazi.
This project is supported by: cfd.