“Woyzeck” by Zana Hoxha: A Tragedy of Alienation and Social…
February 22, 2025
On November 8, 2021 the training “Theater-based education” started with the youth of the primary school “Nazim Gafurri” in Prishtina, and on the same day the theater club was formed.
Youngsters will have the opportunity to learn about theater, performances, stage movements and addressing various topics.
Based on the manual “Techniques Based on Theater for Peer Education” coaches Kaltrinë Zeneli and Zhaneta Xhemajli, who are part of the Artpolis artistic troupe, are working with participants to create forum-theater performances and a premiere is expected at the end of December in Prishtina.
Exercises and lectures have already started and after the training these young men / women will play the forum-theater show, in which case on the day of the premiere the public will have the opportunity to ask questions to the actors about the topic addressed in show.
This training is supported by SDC and implemented by Artpolis – Center for Art and Community.