“Woyzeck” by Zana Hoxha: A Tragedy of Alienation and Social…
February 22, 2025
April 22, 2022
15 – 18.04.2022
18 girls and boys from the Albanian and Serbian community were part of the Forum Theater Program training held on April 15th-18th, 2022 in Durrës/Albania.
Mentored by the artists Zana Hoxha and Edlir Gashi the participants had the opportunity to learn many things about the theater, stage movements, body language, and above all communicating through forum theater performances.
This time in Durrës, the ambiance was different from the other times, creating a safe space for relationships, new acquaintances, while also learning about new culture of this place.
The participants managed to enjoy the beach during the activities (meditation, training and entertainment), and building close relationship with nature and each-other. To break the barriers of judgments while reflecting on their lives, were able to share honestly their experiences with each-other.
The cultural diversity was one of the most important point of the training, where participants were encouraged to speak in their native language, offering simultaneous translation, so they could exchange their culture, and experiences.
What made this training even more special was the youth diversity. They were different ages and professions: students, teachers, businessmen, policemen, lawyers, ages 16-31.
The training ended with the ceremony of discovering “the secret friend”, and the certification of the participants.
This activity is supported by the European Union in Kosovo through the project “Transformation of Conflict Perceptions through Increased Civic and Community Engagement in Kosovo” implemented by Artpolis and the NGO AKTIV as members of the Kosovo Coalition for Reconciliation (KCR).
Obuka Forum teatar programa u Draču ujedinjuje mlade
18 devojaka i dečaka iz albanske i srpske zajednice učestvovalo je na obuci Forum teatar programa, koji je održaan u periodu između 15. do 18. aprila 2022. godine u Draču/Albaniji.
Pod mentorstvom umetnika Zane Hodže i Edljira Gašija, učesnici su imali priliku da nauče mnogo stvari o pozorištu, scenskim pokretima, govoru tela, sa naročitim fokusom na komunikaciju kroz predstave forum teatra.
Ovoga puta u Draču, u mnogo drugačijem okruženju nego u prethodnim slučajevima, stvoren je siguran prostor za druženje i stvaranje novih veza i poznanstava, te upoznavanje kulture ove zemlje.
Učesnici su takođe uspeli da uživaju na plaži tokom aktivnosti (meditacije, treninga i zabave), stvarajući međusobno blisku vezu, ali i vezu sa prirodom. Na putu suočavanja sa barijerama i predrasudam i osvrtanja na svoje živote, mogli su iskreno da podele svoja iskustva jedni sa drugima.
Kulturna raznolikost je bila jedna od najvažnijih okosnica treninga, gde su učesnici bili podstaknuti da govore na svom maternjem jeziku, uz obezbeđen simultani prevod, što je omogućilo razmenu kulture i iskustava.
Ono što je ovaj trening učinilo naročito posebnim je raznolikost mladih. Učesnici su bili različite uzrasne dobi i zanimanja: studenti, nastavnici, privrednici, policajci, advokati, između 16 do 31 godine.
Obuka je završena ceremonijom otkrivanja „tajnog prijatelja“ i uručivanjem sertifikata polaznicima. Ovu aktivnost podržava Evropska unija na Kosovu kroz projekat „Transformacija percepcije sukoba kroz povećan angažman građana i zajednice na Kosovu“ koji sprovode Artpolis i NVO AKTIV kao članovi Kosovske koalicije za pomirenje (KCR).
#kcr #ngoaktiv #thbe #artpolis #art #community #youth #diversity #training