Activities Initiatives Projects

We WANT studies NOT harassment

June 1, 2021


Artpolis – Art and Community Center, Kosovo Women’s Network-KWN, Organization for Quality Enhancement in Education, ORCA, Kosovo Center for Gender Studies-KCGS, and other civil society representatives reacted to the approval of the “Regulation on Prevention and Protection from Sexual Harassment and Harassment at the University of Prishtina”.

A symbolic action was carried out on 31.05.2021 in front of the Rectorate of the University of Prishtina, a joint statement was read through which the positive sides and points that must be changed within Regulation were pointed out, points which we consider are not in the best interest of the students.

Artpolis – Art and Community Center

ORCA – Organization for Increasing Quality of Education
University Program for Gender Studies and Research Gender

KGSC – The Kosovar Gender Studies Center

KWN – Kosovo Women’s Network

Dr. Ariana Qosaj-Mustafa

Rina Kika

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