Feminist Art Fund Fond

“Women’s Confessions” – their life and death in patriarchy

November 30, 2022


The Dodona Theater last night, on 30.11.2022, was “turned” into a morgue. The dead “Women’s Narratives” were resurrected before the public, to reveal once again the multiple oppression of women by the patriarchy.
The murders, rapes, and multiple oppressions of women over the years were intertwined in the play directed by Tansu Kervan. A woman, a living corpse – a cleaner and a cleaner of corpses in the morgue, and alone in her struggle for survival, speaks and cries her troubles with “the only companions in her work – the murdered women by the patriarchy.

Bored with recounting of her life, the cleaner asks the dead to confess their lives and the reason for their death. This is the moment of breaking reality and the power of the theater. A story as shocking and as courageous, it is unfolding from one of the dead. The life of a woman, a prostitute, a mother, a girl whose childhood the patriarchy took away by marrying her off as a child, while killing her child, and finally her.

“Women’s Narratives”, living or dead, have one thing in common – oppression by patriarchy. It is a show that hits you emotionally and intellectually. It is a powerful punch against every oppression and inequality against women over the centuries, and a call for liberation from patriarchy.
This show, is a production of the “Nexhip Menekshe” Theater, presented in the Romani language, with Albanian subtitles.

“Women’s Confessions”
Directed by: Tansu Kervan
Assistant Director: Sonay Bus
Starring: Gynesh Veshall and Melisa Menekshe
Extras: Ebru Cano, Sonita Gashi, Nazar Menekshe, Benjamin Menekshe, Gjynajt Kallo and Semir Qulangji
Violin: Saber Veshall
Production: Romano Teatro “Nexhip Menekshe”

This activity was organized within the Feminist Art Fund of Artpolis, supported by the program of the Kosovo Foundation for Civil Society (KCSF) ‘EJA Kosovo’, co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Sweden and the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

General Sponsor Buçaj SH.P.K.

“Juvlenge Historie” – lengoro jivdipe thay meripe ano patriarkalizmo
Teatri Dodona ij, pe 30.to novembri 2022, “transformisalo” ano morgi/gazilhana. Mule “Juvlenge Historie” jivdisale angli publika, vash te ikalen pandar yekh ver po meydano budiveruno juvlengoro ushkavipe kotar o patriarkati.

Tasavipe, violencea, thay bud-verune ushkavipya andar o bersha inskenisale ani drama kotar e Tansu Kervaneskiri rejia. Yekh juvli, jivdi jenaza – shuzharni thay thovlarni e morgeske jenazengi, thay korkori ano lakoro jivdipaskoro maripe, vakerla thay rovla pe dertya e “yekhune amalinenge ani lakiri buti – patriarkateske tasavde juvlenge.

Doshali pere jivdipaske mothavipea, e shuzharni rodla kotar o mule te mothaven vash poro jivdipe thay lengere meripaske sebepya. Akava si o momenti kote phagyola o realiteti/qhaqhipe thay teatrosko zoralipe. Yekh historia koya: kobar phari abokar vi tromali buhlargyola kotar yekh e mulendar. Yekha juvlako jivdipe, yekh konsomatrisa, yekh day, yekh qhay kolatar o patriarkati lela o qhavoripe prandikaripea ola ano tikne bersha, jikay tasavgya lakere qhavore, thay pe agor vi korkori ola.
“Juvlenge Historie”, jivdi vay mule silen yekhuno sogod – ushkavipe kotar o patriarkati. Si yekh drama koya khuvlatu/qalavlatu vi emocioynencar vi intelektualipa. Si yekh zoralo boksi/mushtek mamuy sakole ushkavipaske thay biberaperipe ko juvla pe lungipe e shlebershengo, thay kharipe vash mestipe kotar o patriarkati.

Akaya drama, produksia e Romane Teatroski “Nexhip Menekshe”, prezantisali ani romani qhib e titrencar pe albanyuni qhib.
“Juvlenge Historie”
Rejia: Tansu Kervan
Asistent rejia: Sonay Bus
Aktrisya: Gynesh Veshall thay Melisa Menekshe
Figurantya: Tuana Kinzolli, Sumeya Dadihak, Benjamin Menekshe, Gjynejt Kallo thay Semir Qulangji
Violina: Saber Veshall
Produksia: Romano Teatro “Nexhip Menekshe”

Akava aktiviteti organizinisalo ano kuadri e Artpoliseske Fondesko Art Feminist, phikoimo kotar o programi e Kosovarune Fondesko vash o Civiluno Amalipe (KCSD) ‘Ava ani Kosova’, khetanefinancirimo kotar e Zvicraki Agencia vash o Avansipe thay Khetanibutikeripe (SDS), Suedia thay e Luxembrugeski Baro Sumnakuno Raipe.

#artpolis #art #community #feminist #found

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