Breaking the Silence, “The Vagina Monologues” as an Act of…
December 28, 2024
February 6, 2023
On February 01-03, 2023 in Durrës, the workshop on capacity building of the Staff and the Artistic Troupe of Artpolis was held.
The workshop opened with the drafting of the Work Plan for 2023, and the specific division of activities. On the second day of the workshop, the discussion on the new Strategy of Artpolis 2023-2027 took place, as well as the presentation of the new website of Artpolis.
In the discussion with the staff and the Artistic Troupe of Artpolis, a reflection was made on the past strategy and the changes for the new Strategy for the next five years were finalized, also the staff and the troupe were given the opportunity to give other ideas about the improvement of the Artpolis website. After the presentation of the Strategy, the discussion continued about the 11th edition of the FemArt Festival.
Staff and Troupe discussed and gave ideas about the motto for this year, and also started drafting the program for this edition. The workshop “Capacity building of the Staff and Artistic Troupe of Artpolis” was closed with a discussion about the Monograph of the FemArt Festival.
Led by Ivana Bilic, we worked on drafting a concrete plan for the preparation of the Monograph for 10 editions of the FemArt Festival.
This activity was supported by cfd. General sponsor Buçaj SH.P.K.