Activities Discussion panels

Online film screening and discussion-“The Hunting Ground “ documentary

April 6, 2020


During this isolation time because of COVID-19 virus, through online communication, in collaboration with prof. Vjollca Krasniqi and students of the “Social Work” – Philosophical faculty, University of Prishtina on 04.04.2020 jointly online we have screened documentary “The Hunting Ground”, followed with a discussion regarding “Sexual Harassment in Kosovo”.

After the performance, the discussion was opened with the students who participated in this event, through the digital communication ‘online’. Some of the topics were: ‘Sexual Harassment within Public Universities’, ‘Real Statistics on Sexual Harassment’, ‘Not Reporting Cases of Sexual Harassment’

This activity is conducted under the framework of “Humanrightivism” project supported Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency – Sida / Community Development Fund – CDF and “Jointly and Creatively against Gender-Based Violence” project supported by cfd/Switzerland.

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