Activities Discussion panels Research Reports

“The daughters that were never born” – Promotion of the report “Abortions in Kosovo” and panel discussion

November 4, 2019

October 11, 2019

The International Day of the Girl Child has been marked by Art and Community Center – Artpolis in National Library through the event “The daughters that were never born” by promoting the report “Abortions in Kosovo” and a panel discussion with experts on the topic of reproductive and sexual health.

The discussion of induced abortions is opened often world-wide, whereas in Kosovo is never discussed in public discourse.

The report “Abortions in Kosovo” by author Iliriana Banjska, analyzes induced abortions in Kosovo from 1999 – 2019. The panel presented the research findings on the way abortions are carried out in Kosovo, issues related to the legal framework on abortion, analyzes of the cause of induced abortions, treatment of women in society, prejudices on this subject and many issues which are rarely discussed openly in our society.

Panelists: @donjeta morDonjeta Morina /Researcher, Adelina T Berisha / Resacher
-KWN, Blerim Syla / Head of the Federation of Health Syndicate of Kosovo, Besa Ismaili / Profesor of FIS
Moderator: Leonida Molliqaj / Researcher

The publication of the report was supported by the Austrian Development Agency – ADA.

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