Theater Play “Woyzeck”, Directed by Zana Hoxha, Premiering Soon!
January 15, 2025
At noon on Tuesday, June 8, 2021, the youth of the Lipjan Theater Club successfully presented the forum theater play “The Magic Key”.
At the Cultural Center “Tahir Sinani” in Lipjan, “The Magic Key” came as a journey through time, to address the consequences and causes during and after the period of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Working with the manual “Techniques Based on Theater for Education with Peers”, with trainers Kaltrinë Zeneli, Ismail Kasumi, and Edlir Gashi, these youngsters successfully addressed the topics of the increasing domestic violence, psychological warfare during the pandemic, as well as the irresponsibility of people during this time.
After the show, the discussion between the characters and the audience was extremely active and upbeat.
In addition to the show, an exhibition was presented by the talented youth exemplifying their fine arts, which through their drawings and paintings left a very beautiful impression on the public.
Actors: Laurita Terpeza, Lerdi Salihi, Gerta Salihi, Zejnie Osmani, Erblina Krasniqi, Suhejla Mehmeti, Leonard Guci, Sadri Gashi, Ledona Reçica, Arbnora Krasniqi, Endresa Avdyli.
Directors: Kaltrinë Zeneli, Edlir Gashi, and Ismail Kasumi.
Moderators: Fjolla Hoxha, Leonita Hoxha.
Exhibition: Arbnora Krasniqi, Enesa Bytyqi, Mimoza Terpeza.
Scriptwriters: Agnesa Terpeza, Mimoza Terpeza.
Artpolis thanks the Municipality of Lipjan,KRL- Lipjan Youth Assembly, the Norwegian School, and the participants in the training for cooperation.
This project is supported by cfd.