Activities Workshops

Virtual workshop “Addressing sexual harassment within public universities in Kosovo”- Gjakova

June 4, 2020

 26.05.2020 / 01.06.2020

Artpolis – Art and Community Center organized a two-day workshop “Addressing sexual harassment within public universities in Kosovo” on 26th May and 1st of June, 2020 in cooperation with University of Gjakova “Fehmi Agani”.

Participants on this workshop were students from the University of Gjakova “Fehmi Agani and Prof.Ass.Dr. Laura Naka – Vice Dean at the Faculty of Education at the University ‘Fehmi Agani’ – Gjakova, together with the lecturers of this workshop: Emirëjeta Kumnova – Psychologist and Diellza Bezera – Artpolis. The aim of the workshop was to elaborated the issue of sexual harassment within public universities in Kosovo. Topics discussed were: Sexual Harassment – Definition, Identification of Harassing Behaviors; Behaviors that may constitute sexual harassment; Psychological consequences of sexual harassment; Sexual harassment within Public Universities; Challenges in reporting and addressing them; Legal framework on sexual harassment in Kosovo – Sexual harassment policies in public universities – Challenges and opportunities on addressing cases of sexual harassment in practice.

This workshop implemented by Artpolis is supported by the non-governmental organization CFD/Switzerland under the framework “NDAL/STOP – Jointly and creatively against gender based violence”.

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