Activism Activities Workshops

15 women in Prizren participated in the training “Empowering Young Women on Feminism”

October 27, 2023


On October 26, 2023, Artpolis organized a training session titled “Empowering Young Women on Feminism” in Prizren. Fifteen women from Prizren, including those with disabilities, gathered to deepen their understanding of feminism. They engaged in open discussions about the daily challenges and issues they face.

The session was facilitated by activist Liridona Osmanaj, who covered topics including feminist terminology, the different waves of feminism, various feminist movements and campaigns, and ways in which young women can empower themselves and others.

Furthermore, the participants enjoyed a quiz and other interactive activities, which added depth and enjoyment to their feminist education.

Artpolis receives support from the Kosovo Foundation for Civil Society (KCSF) program ‘EJA Kosovo’, which is co-funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Sweden, and the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

#artpolis #kcsf #feminist

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