Theater Play “Woyzeck”, Directed by Zana Hoxha, Premiering Soon!
January 15, 2025
A breathtaking edition, a edition with lots of positive energy, color, harmony, diversity, creativity and friends and friends.
It was this 5th edition of the biggest feminist festival in the Balkans, FemArt, which this year also managed to unite artists and activists from around the world and bring contemporary art to the heart of Kosovo.
FemArt for seven consecutive days spread to two Kosovo municipalities, Pristina and North Mitrovica, in 11 locations and promoted over 41 cultural / social activities.
The first night we opened without speeches, without big words, only in the performance lights and the enthusiastic faces of our wonderful audience.
FemArt started off with activist Agnesa Qerimi who brought a Stand Up Comedy-by breaking down the actuality and re-identifying sensitive topics of our society. Agnes summarized the concept of the festival, the problems faced by feminists, the differences between LGBTI communities and ethnic minorities. But do not leave it without criticizing politics and individuals who do not accept change but are called on behalf of equal rights, anti-discrimination and respect for the law. Stan Up Comedy, full of sarcasm and irony, also her own personal experiences, from the time the professor in the first year of studies for a laugh, had told her she belonged to the group of girls who would not finish faculty and will end married at an early age, up to the reactions to her experiments where she appeared as a member of the LBGTI community.
Meanwhile, the Thriller Choir choreographer for the first time in Kosovo unveiled her artistic work broke the silence over the femicide with the theater, making the audience familiar with this dance genre and standing up for magic.
Then the movie “Silence” portrayed the experiences of refugees who feel excluded and often unidentified, fleeing from war times. The film also discusses the subject of confronting fears about the loss of relatives who suffer from cancer, a current issue around the world that has affected each of us. The film shook everyone by joining them all in the magic of solidarity. The first night’s concision took place under the sound of Dj Jehona’s music and cocktails specially prepared for the festival guests at the Oda Theater. Certainly, guests had the opportunity to get close to the artists and to enjoy the spontaneous music of Jehona.
Meeting with the Poet – Qibrije Demiri – Frangu and Naime Beqiraj brought artistic colors and many Albanian poems dedicated to the woman’s strength. Poetry was also read by actors Melihate Qena and Anisa Ismaili who brought emotion and artistic color to the faces of those present. During this artistic panel, the audience was interactive and the discussions were fruitful, where through the art of writing was revealed the history of women who started the fight against partying in Albanian-speaking countries.
Camilla Sandri and Samuel Nicola Fuscà from Italy performed “Zara”, a show that deepened the puzzle of the artist’s game. Zari, as a symbol of the great number of opportunities, chances, clashes and dangers, but brought out of life, spread to the show, trying to convey the public with full empathy to it and the show. Also, artists on one of the days of the festival realized art on the street with the title “Fearless” making passers-by part of many entertainment challenges.
The concert by the group “The Lovers” sparked the atmosphere and all the attendees at the Oda Theater roared out of desire and danced over the selected songs of the band.
Termokiss Community with their premiere “EXISTING DETAILS; CREATIONS, LIGHTING OF CREATIONS; MUZGU EKZISTON; PAPAVER SOMNIFERUM EKZISTON; EVOLUTION, SELF EXISTING; AND THE FUTURE, THE FUTURE? “Unveiled their creative creativity in one of Prishtina’s bunkers, turning this ambience into an artistic home in the light of candles and driving photography created by artist Sihana Shalaj and the winery Njomza Dragusha.
One night was dedicated to classical music in the red hall of the Palace of Youth and Sports, with TRIODESOPRANO’s concert of Alberta Tron, Erëmira Çitaku and Jeta Çitaku. The concert gathered all ages, while the music that captured the hearts of the public was selected by the classical musician Marian.
Theatrical “VET E LYPË” theatrical performance from Serbia traveled to Kosovo to describe the women’s situation and the influence of patriarchy in their lives and the similarities of Serbia’s femicide with that of Kosovo. The reason for realizing this project is violence against women. The project is designed as an omnibus consisting of stories, monologues, stories and poems of those who have died. The story is in the first place and is interpreted by five actors who play the victims, weapons, the role of media in these turmoil, the fermentation of interpersonal ties and loneliness.
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ina Berisha; Panel – MODELET E FEMINIZMIT Paneliste: Delina Fico, Shukrije Gashi dhe Igballe Rogova; Punëtori – “Trupi im, vendimi im”- Mitrovicë Veriore; punëtori “Integrimi i Perspektivës Gjinore në Kulturë dhe Art” nga Mimoza Paçuku dhe Erblin Ajdini, PEN. TRIBUNA ME MIKESHAT “POLITIKAT GJINORE NË UP”, paneliste: Vjollca Krasniqi, Besa Shahini, Nita Luci, Jeta Berisha dhe Venera Čočaj Paneli i Diskutimit “Gratë që e bëjnë dallimin në sport” me: Geta Beqa, Daulina Osmani, Vlona Maloku, Zërina Shatri, Shehrije Gërbeshi dhe Alisa Hasanin, Punëtoria “Adresimi i dhunës në baza gjinore” nga Valdete Idrizi; Paneli i diskutimit “Çfarë Sjellë Marrëveshja e Stabilizim Asociimit Për Gratë në Kosovë?”, paneliste: Anila Statovci – Demaj MEI, Jeta Krasniqi – KDI, Nora Latifi Jashari – GAP, Donika Emini – KCSS dhe Iliriana Banjska – RRGGK. Ndërsa, filmat të cilët u shfaqen gjatë këtyre ditëve u përzgjodhën nga selektuesja e festivalit, regjisorja More Raça, të cilët ndërtoheshin kryesisht nga tematikat aktuale që flisnin mbi jetën sociale: “Pse kërcej” – Regjisore: Melanie Zoey Weinstein, SH.B.A – 7’min. “Vëzhguesi” – Regjisore: Noa Gusakov, Jerusalem – 18’ min. “Hux” – Regjisore: Mageina Tova, Angli – 12’ min. “Nëna e mirë” – Regjisore: Sarah Clift, Angli – 5 min. “Oh, ji e gëzuar” – Regjisore: Susan Jacobson, Angli – 14 min. “Duke humbur bregun nga sytë”- Regjisore: Sara Moshman, SH.B.A – 91’min. Ndërsa, e ftuara speciale e festivalit ishte ambasadorja muzikore e paqes FARAH SIRAJ e cila në bashkëpunim me tre instrumentistë kosovar performoi JAZZ Spiritual me Motive Flamenko dhe Arabe, duke e bërë natën e mbylljes së festivalit të magjishme, shpirtërore dhe melankolike deri në edicionin e ardhshëm.
Festivali FemArt provomon vlera të artit dhe aktivizmit, ndërsa për pesë vite radhazi nuk lejoi që hapësira e rezervuar për art të rëmbehet nga politika. “FemArt këtë vit e ka bërë publikun për vete përmes programit kualitativ dhe të veçantë, diversitetit të temave dhe publikut, krijimit të të hapësirës së sigurt për të qenë vetëvetja dhe të qenit të PA TREMBUR, ani pse organizuar në një kohë sfiduese”, për fund shtoi drejtoresha ekzekutive e festivalit, znj.Zana Hoxha Krasniqi. Ky festival nuk do të ishte i mundur pa publikun e mrekullueshëm që besoi në punën tonë, pa duartrokitjet dhe dashurinë e tyre. Faleminderojmë të gjithë ata/ato që bënë të mundshme të shpërndahet magjia e solidaritetit, diversitetit, sakrificës, kontributit, krijimtarisë, aktivizmit, artit bashkëkohor dhe energjisë pozitive! Ky festivali u përkrahë nga donatorët: Zyra e Bashkimit Europian në Kosovë, Kvinna till Kvinna, UNFPA, Ministria e Integrimeve Evropiane, Ministria e Kulturës, Rinisë dhe Sporteve, Ambasada Amerikane në Prishtinë, UNWOMEN, Komuna e Prishtinës, Koalicioni K10, Unë e du Kosovën, Ipko Foundation. Sponzorët Medial: Kultplus, Klan Kosova, RTK, Telegrafi, Kosovalive. Partnerët Institucional: Teatri Oda, Qendra Informative dhe kulturore e BE (EUICC), Teatri Dodona, PEN, Galeria Monet dhe JCoders Academy. Me shumë dashuri… Mirëutakofshim vitin e ardhshëm! EKIPA FEMART
Elsa Rraqi’s Concert “I’m Light” made the audience calm down by the sweet voice of the singer and her gorgeous band. Though young people young and old in the music world, their art was promising and inspirational to all.
PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITION – “FEMARE” by Ivana Dervishi who came from Tirana to unfold the story of a strong Albanian woman across borders, traditions, acts, oppression. Her photos pervade emotions as a thousand words.
“JOGA, DASHNI AND MEDITIM” with the instructor: Suada Pajaziti relaxed the participants in the Germia park with muscle relaxation and pleasant energy that is not touched by anybody. The participants appreciated such an initiative as part of an art festival, while FemArt was valued as it is always promoting the necessary, interesting and valuable activities.
The show – “Burrnesha” by director Valbona Xibri, performed by actress Maryna Ivashchenko, stirred emotion and solidarity with women who sacrificed their identity in the mountainous areas, not to obey the men. The beauty of the pain was transmitted on stage and on the big screen with a staged documentary.
Slam Poetry that premiered for the FemArt festival, “NOT TUTNA MA!” By Adelina Tshchani talked about the themes and taboos of our society, ridiculed the mind and revolted the public. Adelina always boldly stripped off of the pride of many men who pretend and accuse women of their patriarchy. Provoked the public with her courage, shaken guests with the stories of sexual harassment that girls become every day on the street, theun silence of agreeing to reality seeking change. Basic changes, changes that do not come from laws, but from initiative and activism. Her performance was so great that she made fuss on social networks, with positive comments and support to join the change.
The “SMELLS LIKE WOMEN” PREMIER “THE SMELLS LIKE WOMEN” PREMIER was released by actresses: Rita Thaqi, Margarita Ukaj, Elmedina Jashari and Vjosa Fusha. The show grabbed the hearts of the public, made them laugh and hurt those who disagree with reality.
The personal exhibition – “I am a girl from the village” in North Mitrovica gathered new and young people from all communities. Explained the importance of unity and regional mentality that does not know the ethnicity.
The Return of the Robelli-Mripsi Vjollcat to music after a decade with LIVE CONCERT within the FemArt festival with two premiere songs “Burrnesha” and “Zare”.
The song “Burrnesha” is a touching story, but at the same time it is an inspirational account of the character of a strong woman who rejects tribal arrangements of an arranged marriage to gain personal freedom while sacrificing the opportunity to have children build her family, she decides to live like Burrnessa. While, the song “Zare” is a reinterpretation of a much beloved folk song, with an eclectic mix of influences mixing, keeping the melodic pronunciation of the original, writes “Zëri”.
Theatrical performance by Gypsy Wheels gathered all the communities in the Oda theater hall pointing to the difficult journey of the Roma community and their contempt for society, the game, the music and the benefits this community has given to the world. The performance showed the acceptance of the Roma community from the world, for the pain, but also the beauties that this community sees in the misfortune.
About the discussion panels and workshops that transmitted their feminist messages, the courage to change reality, if we did not like, the professionalism of activists and activists who came from around the world, success stories and most of all forwarded messages accessible where the audience was quite pleased. This includes: Workshop – “Reproductive and Sexual Health of Girls and Women” – Ana Rizescu; Workshop – “Art as Inspiration for Technology” – Presenter: Primer Gojani and Leart Zogjani; FERDONIJA – Documentary Film and Panel by: Ferdonie Qerkezi, Eli Krasniqi, Gazmend Bajri, Shkurta Dauti and Ardiana Shala (Prishtina) Workshop – DIY – Own Bone – JCODERS ACADEMY; Discussion Panel – FANTASTIC FEMINIST – Peace Promote Girls with: Jelena Memet, Jetbardha Selmani, Anita Dragosavac, Liridona Osmanaj, Minja Marđonović, Fjolla Vukshinaj, Kosovo / Serbia and Sara Šaljič from Bosnia and Herzegovina; Workshop “Creative Writing” by Ervina Halili and Shpetim Selmani.
Discussion Panel and Exhibition – Balkan Story – LGBTQI community challenges in the region.
Panelists: Bekim Asani, Macedonia, Blert Morina, Kosovo, Vasilika Laci, Albania, Stefan Bugdanov, Bulgaria and Zana Hoxha Krasniqi Workshop “Forum Theater as a Tool for Social Change” by Driada Matoshi and Lulzim Bucolli; Discussion Panel “Role of the People’s Advocate in Advancing Kosovo’s Rights in Kosovo”, panelist: Hilmi Jashari, Ariana Qosaj – Mustafa, Donjeta Kelmendi and Adelina Berisha; Panel – MODELS OF FEMINISM
Panelist: Delina Fico, Shukrije Gashi and Igballe Rogova; Workshop – “My Body, My Decision” – Northern Mitrovica; Workshop “Integrating Gender Perspectives in Culture and Art” by Mimoza Paçuku and Erblin Ajdini, PEN.
TRIBUNA WITH WHAT “GENDER POLICIES IN UP”, panelist: Vjollca Krasniqi, Besa Shahini, Nita Luci, Jeta Berisha and Venera Čočaj
Discussion Panel “Women who distinguish sport”: Geta Beqa, Daulina Osmani, Vlona Maloku, Zërina Shatri, Shehrije Gërbeshi and Alisa Hasani, Workshop “Addressing Gender Based Violence” by Valdete Idrizi; Discussion Panel “What Makes a Stabilization and Association Agreement for Women in Kosovo?” Panelist: Anila Statovci – Demaj MEI, Jeta Krasniqi – KDI, Nora Latifi Jashari – GAP, Donika Emini – KCSS and Iliriana Banjska – RRGGK.
Meanwhile, the films that appeared these days were selected by the festival’s selector, the More Raça film, which were built mainly on current topics that spoke about social life:
“Why Bounce” – Director: Melanie Zoey Weinstein, USA – 7’min.
“Observer” – Director: Noa Gusakov, Jerusalem – 18 min.
“Hux” – Director: Mageina Tova, England – 12 ‘min.
“Good Mother” – Director: Sarah Clift, England – 5 min.
“Oh, be happy” – Director: Susan Jacobson, England – 14 min.
“Losing the shore from the eyes” – Director: Sara Moshman, USA – 91’min.
Meanwhile, the special invitation of the festival was the Peace Ambassador FARAH SIRAJ which in cooperation with three Kosovar instrumentalists performed JAZZ Spiritual with the Flamenko and Arab Motifs, making the closing night of the magical, spiritual and melancholic festival until the next edition .
The FemArt Festival provoked art values and activism, and for five consecutive years did not allow space reserved for art to be replaced by politics.
“FemArt this year has made the public for itself through a qualitative and special program, diversity of topics and the public, creating a safe space to be self-contained and being PA TREMBUR, albeit organized in a challenging time” “said the executive director of the festival, Mrs. Zana Hoxha Krasniqi.
This festival would not have been possible without the wonderful public who believed in our work without their applause and their love. Thanks to all those who made it possible to spread the magic of solidarity, diversity, sacrifice, contribution, creativity, activism, contemporary art and positive energy!
This festival was supported by donors: European Union Office in Kosovo, Kvinna till Kvinna, UNFPA, Ministry of European Integration, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, US Embassy in Prishtina, UNWOMEN, Municipality of Prishtina, Coalition K10, I Kosovo, Ipko Foundation.
Media Sponsors: Kultplus, Klan Kosova, RTK, Telegraph, Kosovalive.
Institutional Partners: Oda Theater, EUICC, Dodona Theater, PEN, Monet Gallery and JCoders Academy.
With love…
Welcome to next year!