Theater Play “Woyzeck”, Directed by Zana Hoxha, Premiering Soon!
January 15, 2025
November 24, 2023
“Trojan Women – Replica” takes us on a journey of human tragedy, calling for peace
On November 23, 2023, “Trojan Women – Replica” took the audience on a journey of human tragedy—from Troy to the present day—exploring the fate of women and delivering a powerful call for peace.
Witnessing human brutality once again, Euripides ascended the stage of the Dodona Theater on Thursday evening: “There’s something essential in your world that has changed, but there is still something essential that has remained the same. The pain. The evil…I figured it out. Troy is still everywhere. The whole world is our ancient Troy and your modern Troy. Thousands of horses not made of wood but of steel… flying. Iron pegasi that drop bombs everywhere”.
Directed by feminist activists Zana Hoxha and Dijana Milošević and performed by the ensembles of Artpolis and Dah Theater, the production of “Trojan Women – Replika” presented in a bilingual format, featuring both Albanian and Serbian languages, portrayed the silent suffering of women in the aftermath of war, highlighting their vulnerability and resilience in the face of systemic oppression. Characters like Hecuba, Kasandra and Andromaka become powerful symbols of the strength of women in the midst of political turmoil. The presentation serves as a timeless reminder of the urgent need to prioritize peace and breaking the cycle of conflict and war, and emphasizes the need to protect vulnerable populations, seeking lasting harmony and advocating for women’s voices in the pursuit of peace.
This presentation, dedicated to the ultimate realization of the theatrical performance, also serves as a tribute to today’s “Gods”—politicians. It critiques the ease with which they determine the fate of peoples, initiate wars, and the destructive consequences of their actions.
After the conclusion of the presentation, the audience posed numerous questions and offered comments about the artists and the performance.
The diversity and use of the Albanian and Serbian languages in this presentation received positive feedback from the audience.
“I really like the production of the show; it evokes emotion, and I appreciate the collaboration between the two languages. The diversity demonstrated that we can have respect and cooperation between the two countries”, said a young woman in the audience.
The use of two languages did not pose a barrier to understanding the message.
“I don’t understand the Serbian language, but I understood the whole presentation, because the war is equally bad in every corner of the world; because pain needs no translation; but also because art is the universal language of this world,” was one of the comments from the audience.
For some of them, the presentation of “Trojan Women”, has come at the right time, providing an opportunity to contribute to peace. Another individual stated, ‘This presentation and cooperation come at a crucial juncture, considering the current tensions between Kosova and Serbia. It serves as an example that, if politics creates tensions, it is the use of art that softens them, contributing to communication, cooperation, and peace.’
“Trojan Women – Replica” is supported by UNFPA, European Union and US Embassy.
Partners in this activity are Artpolis and Helsinki Committee for Human Rights (Serbia).
„Trojanke – Replika”, vode nas na put ljudske tragedije sa pozivom na mir
“Trojanke – Replika”, 23.novembra 2023.godine, povele su prisutne na putovanje ljudske tragedije, od Troje do današnjice i sudbine žena kroz poziv na mir.
Euripid je bio taj koji je još jednom bio svedok ljudske brutalnosti, popevši se na scenu pozorišta Dodona u četvrtak uveče: “Postoji nešto suštinsko u vašem svetu što se promenilo, ali ipak postoji nešto suštinsko što je ostalo isto. Bol. Zlo…shvatio sam. Troja je i dalje svuda. Ceo svet je naša drevna Troja i vaša moderna Troja. Hiljade konja, ne od drveta, već od čelika…koji lete. Gvozdeni Pegazi koji svuda bacaju bombe”.
U režiji feminističkih rediteljki Zane Hoxha i Dijane Milošević i u izvođenju Ansambla Artpolis i Dah Teatar, predstavljanje “Trojanke – Replika” u kombinaciji albanskog i srpskog jezika, oslikavalo je tiho stradanje žena nakon rata, naglašavajući njihovu ranjivost i otpornost pred sistematskim ugnjetavanjem. Likovi poput Hekube, Kasandre i Andromahe, postaju moćni simboli ženske snage usred političkih previranja. Prezentacija služi kao stalni podsetnik na hitnu potrebu da se mir stavi kao prioritet i prekine ciklus sukoba i rata, i naglašava potrebu da se zaštite ranjive populacije, tražeći trajni sklad i zalažući se za glasove žena u potrazi za mirom.
Ovo izvođenje, koje je u službi stvaranja završne predstave, dolazi i kao ukoravanje današnjim “božanstvima” – političarima. Kritikuje se lakoća sa kojom odlučuju o sudbinama naroda, ratovima koje izazivaju i razornim posledicama svojih dela.
Nakon završetka izvođenja, publika je postavila brojna pitanja i dala komentare za umetnike i prezentaciju.
Raznolikost i upotreba albanskog i srpskog jezika na ovoj prezentaciji su dobile pozitivnu kritiku od publike.
“Zaista mi se dopalo izvođenje predstave, budi emocije i dopada mi se dvojezička saradnja, različitost je pokazala da možemo da imamo poštovanje i saradnju između dve zemlje”, rekla je jedna mlada devojka iz publike.
Upotreba dvaju jezika nije bila prepreka da se poruka razume.
“Ja ne razumem srpski jezik, ali sam razumela celu prezentaciju, jer je rat jednako loš u svakom delu sveta; jer za bol ne treba prevod; ali i zato što je umetnost univerzalni jezik ovog sveta”, bio je jedan od komentara iz publike.
Za neke od njih, prezentacija “Trojanke – Replika” došla je u pravo vreme, kao jedna mogućnost da se doprinese miru.
“Ova prezentacija i saradnja dolazi u pravom trenutku s obzirom na trenutne tenzije između Kosova i Srbije, možda i kao primer da ako politika stvara tenzije, upotreba umetnosti je ta koja ublažava tenzije i doprinosi komunikaciji, saradnji i miru”, rekao je neko drugi iz publike.
“Trojanke – Replika” podržavaju UNFPA, Evropska unija i Američka ambasada na Kosovu. Partneri u ovoj aktivnosti su Artpolis i Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava (Srbija).