“O Lord, O Lord, Lady of the House” in Tuz:…
November 27, 2024
June 1, 2021
Initiatives01.06.2021 Artpolis - Center for Art and Community condemns the denigrating language used by followers of the social media, Facebook and Instagram, in the videos published by the show Oxygen,…
Read MoreMay 7, 2020
Media05.05.2020 Teatri Kombëtar i Kosovës po synon ta inskenojë premierën e parë të këtij viti në amfiteatrin e Gërmisë, në muajin qershor. Menaxhmenti i TKK-së i ka bërë këto plane…
Read More06.05.2020 Virusi Covid-19 doli të jetë një dry i fuqishëm. Izolimi që solli ky virus pati pasoja të mëdha. Por, tash ka ardhur koha që këto pasoja të kthehen në…
Read MoreApril 15, 2020
Discussion panels05.03.2020 The executive Director of Artpolis, Zana Hoxha, was part of the discussion on the TV show: Dogovor?! "Šta bi se desilo da žene imaju više moći?" (What would happen…
Read MoreMarch 5, 2018
MediaCenter for Art and Community - Artpolis in support of CFD, organized a three-day workshop "Pediatric Theater Based Education" Twenty-two selected participants from more than 80 applications from seven Kosovo…
Read MoreCenter for Art and Community - Artpolis, in support of Kvinna til Kvinna, organized a comprehensive workshop for all ethnicities living and operating in Kosovo. "The New Women's Interethnic Workshop"…
Read MoreA breathtaking edition, a edition with lots of positive energy, color, harmony, diversity, creativity and friends and friends. It was this 5th edition of the biggest feminist festival in the…
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